Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Every sport has had its share of mishaps and deaths. Unfortunately, many expert or novice skiers have lost their lives while doing what they enjoyed the most. Therefore, it is best to gear up properly before going skiing.
In addition, it would be best if you did everything in your power to protect yourself. It can help if you wear a sturdy helmet, get well-fitting skis, and train before skiing alone. Let us share some of the unfortunate death statistics over the years.
According to the NSAA, the National Ski Areas Association, approximately 40 people die annually from ski accidents.
Skiing is not a dangerous sport, per se. However, every sport can be challenging when it comes to fate. Therefore, it would be best to always prepare for the worse and train to avoid unfortunate circumstances while skiing.
Related: Best Ski Helmets With Visors
Fatality Statistics

Looking at the recent statistical data on skiing deaths makes you sad because all these people lost their lives in such a tragic moment. However, unfortunately, the reasons behind these deaths are not always a training issue.
Over the years, people have lost their precious lives to avalanches, collisions, freak accidents, and head injuries.
As the number of deaths began to rise, people became more aware of the safety measures of skiing gear. Unfortunately, even with the proper equipment, many skiers do rash skiing. It results in fatal injuries and death.
However, when people go up to the mountains, they feel free and forget about their mortality. The National Ski Areas Association provides the following stats:
Year | Deaths | Skier Days (per million) | Rate (per million) |
2020-21 | 48 | 59.1 | 0.81 |
2019-20 | 42 | 51.3 | 0.81 |
2018-19 | 42 | 59.3 | 0.71 |
2017-18 | 37 | 53.3 | 0.69 |
2016-17 | 43 | 54.8 | 0.78 |
2015-16 | 39 | 52.8 | 0.74 |
2014-15 | 35 | 53.6 | 0.65 |
Out of all the fatalities recently, 93% were male participants. It shows that these poor skiers collided with an object while skiing and lost their lives.
The risks of fatalities reached an extreme point that NSAA had to run campaigns to make people aware of risks. The authorities felt the need to educate people about skiing responsibly and avoid reckless, speedy, and tricky skiing.
Who Died Skiing Recently?
At the beginning of 2022, the show business of France took a tragic hit when it lost one of its brilliant actors. Gaspard Ulliel, starring in Marvel’s upcoming “Moon Knight,” sadly died in a skiing accident in the Alps.
At the time of his collision, Gaspard was skiing in the Savoie region. He collided with another skier at an intersection between a couple of slopes and suffered brain trauma. He was rushed to the nearest hospital in Grenoble via helicopter but could not win the battle for his life.
What Are Common Snow Sports Injuries?
To prevent snow sports injuries, you must know what they are. Unfortunately, a few common, occurring skiing injuries prove fatal for many people every year. Here is what you can suffer from if you are not careful on the slippery icy slope:
- Herniated disk
- Concussion
- Traumatic brain injury
- Wrist pain
- Skier’s thumb
- Fracture
- Whiplash
- Shoulder or knee dislocation
- Torn rotator cuff
- Anterior cruciate ligament rupture
- Meniscus injury
- Medial collateral ligament rupture
What Are The Main Causes Of Ski Injuries?
If you want to avoid getting ski injuries, it is best to find the source. Once you eliminate the cause of the abovementioned injuries, you can prevent harm and fatal mishaps.
Here is a list of common reasons why people suffer severe injuries while skiing:
- Lack of training and ski lessons
- Poor judgment
- Poor fitness
- Avoiding warm-up exercises
- Ill-fitting skiing equipment
- Not following skiing rules
- Collisions
- Take big risks
- Skiing in a rash manner
- Feeling invincible
Taking part in any sport is a huge responsibility, as it is your life on the line and your peers. Therefore, practicing and getting proper training before skiing is best to prevent unforeseen mishaps and deaths.
How To Prevent Injuries On The Slope?
Death comes silently, and you can do nothing to avoid it. However, you can do plenty of things to prevent an untimely accident and death. Here is how you can ski responsibly and take care of yourself while enjoying the powdery snow:
Stay Alert
You must stay active and alert while wearing your skis. It is best to keep your eye on other skiers and snowboarders and watch out for weather conditions and the ever-changing snow.
Helmet Is Important
It is best to wear a helmet while skiing. The helmet will protect your brain and head from severe injuries if you become a victim of a collision or other accidents. Proper protection is the key to avoiding injuries and untimely death.
Skip The Recklessness
When you the vast snowy peak, your mind will feel invincible, and you will want to perform reckless tricks. The tricky skiing performance can be fun for the moment, but it is a significant threat to your life.
It only takes a second to lose control of your ski and collide with a fellow skier or an object. You will be putting yourself in danger and other people on the mountain.
People observed that every season with participants wearing proper gear and skiing like responsible citizens had the least number of deaths.
Final Word
When you participate in any social activity, it becomes your responsibility to avoid doing things that can harm others. Of course, you are responsible for your health and life, but you also have a group responsibility if you feel reckless and bold while skiing.
Remember that other people and families are enjoying the same slope as you. If not for your sake, then you should take proper training and stay alert for the sake of others. Always wear the optimal equipment to protect your noggin and body and prevent unfortunate circumstances.